
Sunday, August 27, 2017

ANNOUNCEMENT : My new blog about French pastry and baking

Dear friends,

I started "Vietstreedfood" blog almost 5 years ago, there was time I was wondering how can I develop and keep this blog for long. More than 5 years I did it by myself with support from some friends, who kindly took me to taste different street foods in Saigon or Hanoi, that I may never know or just simply guide me how to find out the best places...I received many suggestions to cooperate, even to sell my blog...but I just want to keep it to myself as a good memory of certain period of time in my life. If you noticed there is no any new post since last year. I'm very very sorry for this. Who know I may probably come back some day!

Meanwhile I developed my new blog about French pastry and baking, after I spent some time in Paris to learn it at a famous Le Cordon Bleu. Please do visit to find out some other beautiful things in life.

Once again, thank you very much for visiting my blog.

One of my new posts at my new blog 
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